Hello there,
Web-logging, or blogging- as it's more commonly known as, is something that has intrigued me since the ancient days of MySpace when I was in middle school. Never having the guts to actually start one, I guess you could say this is my feeble attempt to live vicariously through the internet. Having prefaced you with that, I can now update you on the goings on in my life and in my cluttered little head.
The title of this post is what I consider a pretty standard comment used when something in life doesn't go exactly as you had planned. Well, it's no exception in this situation.
For those of you who know me pretty well, you know that up until very recently I was a very active participant in the Miss America Organization, as a competitor on the local level. Well, once at the state level, but we won't go there quite yet. At the ripe age of 17, and as an up and coming high school senior, I made the decision to compete in scholarship pageants for the MAO. 6 years, 12 pageants, innumerable friendships $1,000+ in scholarship money, and several Miss Congeniality awards later I have no regrets (well, maybe the red lipstick choice for evening wear in '05...) and owe so much of who I have become to this organization. I had the thrilling opportunity to become Miss Thousand Islands in 2008, and represent my hometown at the Miss New York State pageant.
I could probably create another whole entire blog based just on my pageantry experiences, but as a retiree, that's not what I wanted my blog to be about, so you may now sigh with relief. I can't in good conscience, though, try to document how I got where I am without mentioning a good deal of it, so you'll have to bear with me there.
As I continued competing after I had crowned my successor, the lovely Kristan Lettiere, I realized something about the other titles that horrified me- I didn't want them! Please do not interpret this information any other way than it is meant to be. Miss Finger Lakes, Miss Southeast NY, Miss Western NY, and Miss Lancaster were all PHENOMENAL pageants that made me a well rounded contestant and helped me grow in the organization. However, the more I competed (and continued to place) the more I felt I was taking a spot away and, had the balloting gone another way, potentially taking a title away from a girl who wanted it more and could do the title more justice than I could. It was then I decided that Miss Thousand Islands 2011 would be my last pageant, regardless of eligibility.
Well, I'd like to close this chapter with, "I won again, and got to represent my hometown my last year of eligibility..." yadda yadda yadda. Well, that's a no go, and I would be downright lying if I said I wasn't disappointed about that. I honestly worked as hard as I could have, and the answer to the age old question, "What could I have done better?" was blatantly. "Nothing."
After I got over the fact that a hobby that took up 1/4 of my existence and ALL of my adult life was now over, I was able to put things into perspective, and I came up with this: MY. LIFE. ROCKS. It really and truly does. I have a wonderful relationship with my mother, friends that would (and did) stand by me no matter what, a great relationship with God and my church, a FANTASTIC full-time job with students I adore and colleagues that make getting up at 6:00 am worth it, and a relationship with someone who I can't even BEGIN to describe with words and properly do justice. I guess what I'm trying to say is, how much good stuff can I hog in life before I have to actually say, "Nah, that's alright. Let someone ELSE have something good once in awhile. I've filled my quota."? Well, that answer came to me clear as day the evening of August 14th, 2010. Maybe I worked my butt off, wanted it the most, and was the most ready...and maybe not. The point is I may have wanted to win, but I didn't NEED to win. I grew so much in my year as a titleholder, and when I start to get down on myself about not winning the coveted title again, I think to myself about all the other girls I competed with over the years who were more than worthy of a crown, but for one reason or another, never got one.
With all of this pageant rambling, I think now would be a more than appropriate time to give a huge congratulations to Morgan Bocciolatt. I have competed with her for years, and she has a heart as gold as her shiny beautiful hair. :) I know she will do the Thousand Islands justice, and I look forward to being able to work with her this year as I start my journey on the Miss Thousands Islands Board of Directors! Come on, you knew I couldn't say goodbye to pageantry for good, right? Hee hee! Anyway, Morgan has so much to offer, and I wish her the best. Her crowning face will forever be stuck in my mind! =^O Haha, or something like that.

Okay, almost done. Promise. I think this next part is extremely important: thank yous. For anyone who has ever been to a pageant, you have most definitely heard the infamous "farewell speech". Since I can't deliver a formal one on stage, I feel it a huge obligation to thank those that helped me in my pageant career. I'ma try to do this in chronological order, y'all.
Barry Pratt- for getting me involved in my first pageant, despite my scoffs and rolled eyes. You are the catalyst that jump-started my pageant career, so thank you.
Ann Walck-Iannotta- Your boobs look real. (Haha, inside joke people) You have always been the pageant "big sister" I needed, and my crowning was roughly 4000 times more special because you were the one doing it. Thanks a million for all the support and kind words.
Mary Brabant- From day 1 you were there, supporting me telling me I should have won EVERY pageant (even though we both know I was way off a lot of the time, lol) I'll never forget the rings you'd buy me after every pageant, and how I proudly flaunted my "engagement ring" at the state pageant JUST so that people would ask me if I had a fiancee so I could tell them the REAL story. And remember prepping me for Miss Lancaster after I had gotten dumped? Haha, what a mess! You are the absolute best and I am so proud to call you my best friend.
All my friends that ever attended a pageant- Megan, Sarah, Janelle, Andy, Tiffany, Dan, Lorah, Clay, Fran, Jude, Rob- Anyone I forgot I apologize. You guys put up with a lot to watch me lose, more often than not. 'Nuff said.
Jennifer Stehlar- You taught me how to "work an audience" and gave me such helpful pointers. There's NO way I would have placed at Miss WNY without your help. Hey, ever since then I NEVER didn't make top 5 in a local- the adivce must've been pretty darn good! ;)
The Miss TI Board- Your help was imperative toward me being a functioning human being the year that I won. Your generosity and organization has helped all the contestants feel prepared and ready to do their best come time for the pageant. You guys help run the longest running local in NY, and it shows. I look forward to working with you all this year :)
All my pageant sistas- Stacey, Vicky, Kristan, Kieren, Ann, Kristina, Morgan, Carissa, and SO MANY others: We all know what it's like competing, and your support and sisterhood keep me going. I'm so proud to say I have made so many friends while competing, and you all have a special place in my heart.
My one and only pageant roomie (Amy, if you couldn't figure it out, lol)- I can't possibly write in a blog all of the memories we've shared and how close we've become through pageantry. You are like a sister to me, and your love and support (and your family's as well) has helped me tremendously. From your mom ironing my swimsuit, or your sisters cleaning out our dressing room space, or us rehearsing swimsuit in our pageant run-way apartment, we have created some insanely fun memories together. I am so looking forward to watching you at state AGAIN this year :) and I can't wait for you to age out so we can start our own pageant consulting business. I LOVE YOU! JAI HO!
Sue, Gary, and Shelby- Is it a coincidence that EVERY time I hear a Miss TI farewell speech people can't seem to thank you enough for all you do? You are either great brainwashers OR truly phenomenal people. I'll go with the latter. :) I can't say how much of an asset you've been to me not only in my year of service, but in my personal life as well. You have taught me more about responsibility, organization, commitment, companionship, shoes, hair and wardrobe than I ever thought I'd need to know. I'm proud to say that for the first time, as a 23 year old woman, I am now capable of doing my own hair and make-up. Who'd have thunk THAT would have ever been possible? You guys truly are THE BEST and don't ever forget it, or I'll have my mom make you EXTRA spicy Bloody Marys. Haha. XOXO

Momma D- You are the definition of the COOLEST mom, which also makes you the coolest pageant mom. For reals, ask Sue, Shelby & Gary. Between the excessively long pageant interview questions, discounted pageant gowns, NON-discounted pageant gowns, slim-fast, pageant chats, trips ALL over to pick me up from God only knows where, hair styling opinions (yeah, I know you hate the poof), make up choices (red lipstick is a no-no) and everything else, you have been there for me. You haven't always told me what I wanted to hear (you look awesome in your swimsuit) but what I needed to hear (you know you would look better if you dropped 5 pounds) but ALWAYS in a supportive, nurturing way. You didn't want me to be good, you wanted me to be the best I could be. I'm so glad I've gotten to share this journey with you, and your support and love has grounded me and meant more to me than I could ever say. Most moms whine about forking over cash for soccer cleats, but you undertook the biggest commitment of all and never once complained about it. I'll love you forever, I'll like you for always, as long as I'm living, my mommy you'll be. :)

Well now that I got that out of the way, and wasted some tissues, I can now forge ahead in my blog-tastic rantings. Thanks for putting up with the lengthy, cathartic pageant post, and I hope you enjoy keeping up with me.
Much love,