First let's talk about the idea of resolutions in the first place. When researching this definition, I found this to be the most apropos form:
a resolve; a decision or determination: to make a firm resolution to do something. i.e. Her resolution to clear her parents' name allowed her no other focus inline.
Not to get all philosophical here, but many people develop the attitude, "Why change? I am who I am and that's all that I yam." Maybe that's just Popeye, but there are many that denounce the resolution tradition for their own reasons I suppose, but if it is indeed for the aforementioned reason, I have to ask myself, "Why?" Considering that in other parts of the world traditions range from rice pudding with a hidden almond, to bolting down a dozen grapes to your floor, this particular tradition doesn't seem that outlandish to me. Plus, with other global traditions like making cakes in the shape of rings, and eating pork to symbolize prosperity and success, I have to deduce that this custom is one that provides a little more depth and a little less superstition.
But getting back to the resolutions, where did they come from? And why? From what I can tell, the