Monday, December 29, 2014

New Year's Resolutions: A little bit of history, and some "do"s and "don't"s

New Year's Resolutions are one of those things that are like my attempts at working out: priority one for about three days, and then rehearsals/doughnuts/Netflix gets in the way, and life resumes its normalcy.  Do I think they're antiquated and useless?  Surprisingly, no, or else why would I dedicate my time writing about them.  However, I do believe there is a right way, and thus, a wrong way to go about setting resolutions for the New Year.

First let's talk about the idea of resolutions in the first place.  When researching this definition, I found this to be the most apropos form:

a resolve; a decision or determination: to make a firm resolution to do something.  i.e. Her resolution to clear her parents' name allowed her no other focus inline.

Not to get all philosophical here, but many people develop the attitude, "Why change? I am who I am and that's all that I yam." Maybe that's just Popeye, but there are many that denounce the resolution tradition for their own reasons I suppose, but if it is indeed for the aforementioned reason, I have to ask myself, "Why?" Considering that in other parts of the world traditions range from rice pudding with a hidden almond, to bolting down a dozen grapes to your floor, this particular tradition doesn't seem that outlandish to me. Plus, with other global traditions like making cakes in the shape of rings, and eating pork to symbolize prosperity and success, I have to deduce that this custom is one that provides a little more depth and a little less superstition.

But getting back to the resolutions, where did they come from?  And why?  From what I can tell, the

Sunday, December 21, 2014

Naughty & Nice Playlist: My top 10 rated Christmas songs...and the 10 that need sit in the corner and re-evaluate their life choices.

Right around December first, I turn my radio to the non-stop Christmas station and- save for commercials- don't leave for quite some time.  It is more than likely to assume, then, that I have heard a lot of the same songs time and time again, as have we all who share in this beloved tradition.  It is with attempted open-mindedness, a moderately snobby music background, and the blunt honesty of my brain diarrhea that I present to you the selections that made the Naughty & Nice playlists.

*DISCLAIMER* I will apologize in advance if I slam one of your favorites.  I mean not to spoil your Christmas joy, but I'd like to think that I have at least the semblance of a logical argument for my choices.  You, naturally, are welcome to heartily disagree!  Heck, I've even included a video for each song so you can at least try to level with me.  :)


10)  Feliz Navidad

Let me preface this critique with the fact that this song happens to be one of my most favorite Christmas songs.  Any time it comes on, I groove along shamelessly in my vehicle to the catchy, albeit repetitive, musical stylings of Jose Feliciano.  Despite my personal approval (which should show my attempt at unbiased critiques) I do feel that this Christmas song- in addition to its highly repetitive nature- could have been written in about 2 1/2 minutes, rendering it the #10 spot on my list of Christmas songs that need to take a time-out.

9) Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas - The Pretenders

Oy.  This one is just plain difficult to listen to.  I want to be in your corner, struggling vocalist, I really

Saturday, December 13, 2014

Let's start a "thing" - 12 Days of Christmas Challenge

Despite the fact that it is 11:36 pm, and this post won't likely be available to your twinkling eyes until "tomorrow", at this point, it is officially only 12 days until Christmas, which seems to have a festively appropriate ring to it.  There are many things pertaining to the 12 days of Christmas, including the incredibly catchy and choreographable holiday tune, to the TV specials featuring seasonal shows and movies.  This year, though, I'm going to encourage you to do something a little different with this notable countdown, and throw in some of my deliciously random Christmas photos too.

Maybe not quite that different... 

Let me first start by clarifying my meaning of "thing".  "Thing" in this case would be pertaining to a trend, specifically of the social media variety.  Comparable social media "things" include the Ice Bucket challenge, the "truth is" posts, and the one I am more or less channeling, the "thankful for list" that is popular around the Thanksgiving season.  Other "things" I have tried to start to no avail include windshield wipers for glasses made of paper clips and napkins, and a reverse french manicure, which I haven't completely written off yet.  Suffice it to say, I am having much higher hopes for this effort, and to do it well, I need your help my internet friends.

These are some of my non-internet friends.  Sometimes we dress up like
Ravenclaws at Christmastime and try to win the house cup.

So what is it?  It's an idea that has been on my mind a lot this month, and that idea is the notion of

Monday, December 8, 2014

Food Horoscopes

For those of you that know me, it's not untrue that I can be a little clumsy.  Not in the "Oops, I tripped!" sort of way, although that does happen occasionally.  It's more so around food.  I have a theory that it's because I get really, REALLY excited about food, especially when it's food I like, since as a picky eater that is oftentimes hard to come by.

Anyway, another aspect of this food-love that I possess is due to the fact that, at work, I frequently work through, postpone, or altogether skip my lunch for the sake of beautiful music making with the little chilluns.  Worry not, faithful friends, I more than make up for it in my off-time.  As you can see though, the aforementioned create this perfect recipe (no pun intended) for my absolute, overwhelming satisfaction when I am able to sit down and enjoy eating my lunch at school.  I'm practically skipping in the hall making up a theme song about lunch consumption, and that is actually not an extreme exaggeration, if you know my impromptu song-making fascination.

Needless to say, when I drop food/miss my mouth/spill things/ I get pretty devastated.  Not like, "Hulk SMASH" angry, but just genuine disappointment.  Sort of like her…

I know, first world problems, but gurrl, I can relate.  Here's a prime example: the slew of students that