So I fibbed a little and said that the 22nd, was uneventful. In fact, my Internet friends, the 24th trumps any and all uneventfulness incurred this entire trip. How cruel is it that I kept you waiting in suspense for the lackluster writing of the lazy of epic proportions that is about to commence? Very.
It was a fairly cloudy morning, but it didn't stop us from heading to the beach after yet another delicious breakfast. Today was the first day that I opted to not even cautiously float atop the mysterious ocean waters, and instead lounged and read my book. We were tucked away in our little nook with our fancy trellis, which proved to be a detriment today, as it started to rain and the wind picked up. This seems immaterial, but until you have seen the crazy-huge leaves, berries, and banana-snakes, you know nothing, John Snow. (I will look up the actual name for said large, scary seedlings)
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Banana-Snakes |
After being hit with tree debris, we were tempted to try our hand at lunch, as it started to rain a little bit as well. Whilst munching on french fries, Andrew's go-to Jerk Burger, and my grilled snapper sandwich, we were invited by one of the Entertainment Managers (Milton) to play a game of beach volleyball. We finished our lunch, and then headed over to see if they were still playing.
It had stopped raining, but it was far from a cloudless sky. This worked well, because we ended up playing volleyball for a good hour or so without an ounce of sunburn, which was an added bonus. We also ended up playing in the rain, too, so I guess it's all a give and take.
As the game finished (and our team emerged un-victorious, despite my 7 unanswered points) we headed back to the room to hang out/watch snippets of movies on the TV we were proud not to have touched until this very day/nap. We woke up just in time to catch a late dinner, and the sleep hangover we had acquired prevented me from remembering where we ate when I tried to recollect it in my journal the next day, Bugger.
We did receive an interesting phone call, however, inviting us to a Repeater's Dinner on Wednesday evening. Apparently this is an event that guests who are repeat visitors to the resort are invited to, but you may also attend if you have an invitation, apparently. Wednesday was our last night in Jamaica, so we were obvs going to accept. What a way to go out in style. :)
P.S.- You have NO idea how hard it was to find the name of those tricky seed buggers. To further prove my point, here are some things I googled:
- what are the long thin hard palm tree leaves called?
- long thin hard palm leaves
- hard long palm seed
- dried banana tree (I was getting desperate…)
- banana tree seedling leaves
- caribbean trees
- Jamaican tree long plant seeds
- banana snake (REALLY desperate!)
- Jamaican tree seedlings (getting closer! I found photos of an acacia tree with similar seedlings)
- Acacia tree pods
- Jamaican Acacia tree pods
- Flame Tree seed pods (DING DING DING!)
Imagine if Google didn't exist. How frustrating!? Ever had that moment you can't think of an actor's name? Yeah, kiddos. Keep that in mind next time you get angry at IMDB because it took an alarming 47 seconds to load Matthew McConaughey's page. The agony!
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