The following fonts seen below are much like the force; some may be used for good, while others for evil. Take a look at them and see where you fall on the list of 16 Font Nazi Offenders.
hi!!! i don't like to b taken srsly w/ professional work!!!
Too seriously, I take my work. Implied infringements on copyrights, I also don't mind.

This one time, I thought about being a horror novelist. Then I realized I couldn't write worth a damn, and was just ultra inspired by the Goosebumps-like nature of this font.
I wish it was still 1930.
When you read this document, I want you to have the sinking feeling that a velociraptor is lurking in your office fern...
I still write like a fourteen year old girl. Oh, and you're reading this on My Little Pony stationary.
I am struggling to get my final paper in on time, and I am completely desperate to meet the page length requirement.
Nothing I type is important enough for you to be able to read it.
I was one of only eleven people that actually liked the old school Macintosh font.
I want this letter to appear hand written, but don't really feel like hand writing it.
I want this poster heading to appear much more profound than it actually is.

Man, my customers will probably actually believe that this menu is made out of papyrus with this super believable font!
I love me some fonts, and I have probably used all of these "offenders" at one point or another. All fonts, much like alcohol and Butterfinger candies, can be used well if done in moderation. So font, wisely, fellow Font-zis. Font wisely, indeed.
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