Sunday, January 25, 2015

Take me to Church

If you are familiar with this song, you probably think you know what the topic of my rant is, but I may surprise you yet.

This is a song that was recently released on my local radio station, and I found it was refreshingly unique sounding (compared to the rest of the music on the station) when I heard it, and a lot of my students were singing and talking about it intermittently.  One student mentioned to me that it was not about church at all (which I assumed) but that the video actually depicted a homosexual couple and their struggle at maintaining a relationship without judgment or harassment.  This I found intriguing, so I watched it.

WARNING- While this video is both moving and emotionally charged, it is at times violent and disturbing.  Please refrain from watching if any of the aforementioned characteristics is likely to upset you, and as noted in the video, parental guidance is suggested for anyone viewing under the age of 18.

I'm not going to get into how I feel about the video, or the lyrics, so this is a fake out for those of you that thought this was going to be some sort of social/equality/censorship tirade.  The reason I posted the actual video, and not just a video of the lyrics, is to prove a musical point.  Regardless of how you feel about the lyrics, content of the video, or implied messages within the song, I think that it's painfully obvious that the artist is conveying a message, and that the music is designed to compliment it.  The video is the icing on the cake, directing you to one interpretation of the lyrics, but I'd like to think we can all agree that this is an artistic expression on all fronts.  If that's not the case, now would be a good time to hit the back button on your browser, because my venting is actually purely music related, and if we can't agree to view this song as a work of art, we won't agree on a lot of the rest of this cathartic experience.

Sunday, January 18, 2015

Say WHAT?!

This post is dedicated to the skill, or lack thereof, of song lyric recognition.  As a singer, my brain drifts much more so toward the melody or harmony of a song, and sometimes things get lost in translation.  Literally.  Below you will find a list of some of the most memorable lyric misinterpretations I have had, although I know there are many more out there.

Song Title: Get Lucky
Artist: Daft Punk feat. Pharrell
When: 2:30
Sounds like: Who brought the Mexican monkey?

Actual lyric/rationale: We're up all night to get lucky//
So it's pretty clear that this is in fact what they are actually singing, since it's been sung in the song several times at this point, but the auto-tuning really makes it difficult for one to un-hear the Mexican monkey once it's in your brain.

Sunday, January 11, 2015

Draw something…ANYTHING…please?

For those that know me very well, especially when I was in my high school days, I am a bit of a conscience-prude.  Meaning, I don't like to cheat.  Like, ever.  I'm also a particularly poor liar, so these two personality traits are likely linked.

Anyway, when I play a game- be it real life or virtual- I am both in it to win it, and an honest player.  Unless it's No Limit Hold 'Em, or other games in which being dishonest is a strategy toward winning.  It is no surprise, though, that I have run across a wide gamut of cheaters in my day.  Whether it be students on homework assignments scrambling to get them done, or online randies that choose to duke it out in Words with Friends, I run across my fair share of people who want things done quickly, and not necessarily with any quality or effort involved.

With homework, I get it.  I don't condone it, obviously, but there's a lot riding on assignments and oftentimes students are overbooked and don't get things done.  Although the mature thing to do is be up front with your teacher, I can completely rationalize the thought process behind why someone would cheat or copy on their homework assignments.  I do NOT, however, understand why a consenting adult selects, downloads, and plays a game application for sheer pleasure/stress release/competitive outlet…and then chooses to play dishonestly.  Straight up makes no sense.  You want to play with others?  For fun?  And then cheat?  Por que?

Saturday, January 3, 2015

I got 99 problems, but fluff ain't one

If you do not already know me, I- like most people- am chock full of problems.  Don't lie, you have them too, as does Brangelina and even the saintly T-Swift.  So instead of talking (typing?) your ear off about issues I have, let me tell you a little bit about something that I have in abundance and makes my life better, softer, and an all around safe and wonderful place to exist: fluffy stuff.

This might turn into a mini confession of a moderate hoarder, but hear me out: fuzzy things have never, or maybe rarely, hurt anyone.  Last time I checked, fuzziness was not one of the seven deadly sins (this I know for my other blog doth tell me so) and I'm not blasphemously praying to the holy grail of Pillow Pets, so I'm morally and ethically in the clear, here.  However, I want to invite you to take a glimpse into my world of fluff, for two reasons.  1) To brag about all my fluff-tastic glory, and 2) To hopefully connect with other fuzzy fanatics who may not feel like they have anywhere else to turn.  If you, or someone you love struggles with fuzzy addictions like I, please have them contact me and I can point them in the right direction.

Anyway, without further adieu, here's a glimpse into my eccentric, but very soft and plushy, universe…

I can't have pets in my apartment, but once I move,
you are first on my list, fluffy bunny.  Numero uno.